About Jennifer Costello

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My Story

I have a proud wife of an Army veteran, and proud momma to four beautiful, now adult, children. I have an earned masters degree from University of Southern California in social work and an earned Doctor of Behavioral Health from Arizona State Univeristy.  

In addtion to being a therapist, I have been a professor in higher educaiton for the past eight years. I continue to teach and train the next generation of social workers, as well as provide supervision to those seeking their LCSW license.  I am excited to offer the 40 hour training course for those seeking to become supervisors. My love for education and training the next generations of highly skilled clinicians is a one of my many passions.

I take a holistic approach to therapy, concerned with the overall long-term well-being of the individual and their family. One of my areas of expertise is on addressing health issues and understanding how those impact our mental wellness. I also work with clients on partner relational issues, family of origin conflict, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and other issues in a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment. I practice Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Seeking Safety Treatment Protocol, Motivational Interviewing, Solution-Focused Therapy, Positive Psychology, each depending upon the issues we are addressing. I utilize spiritual principles throughout, honoring my client’s spirituality as they are open to it. I strive to use what works best for my client.

The population I work with includes individuals who have been affected by abuse and trauma in their life, such as on-going emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. I also work with individuals who have experienced a one-time trauma, such as a car accident, rape, shooting, or other disturbing event. I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Therapist. I continually seek to improve on new ways to assist people with their healing. I also focus on people in life transitions, assisting people as they navigate a new way of “be-ing”. These approaches can often help them heal more quickly and provide lasting relief. 

Associations: NASW, CSWE, BPD

My Education & Experience

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Reach out to me today!

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I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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